1983 Best of by uDiscover

They Don't Know

Def Leppard Music Video Evolution | uDiscover Music

Story Behind The Song - Every Breath You Take by #The Police and #Sting

Story Behind The Song - The Safety Dance

Move Over Darling

Der Knutschfleck

Ommadawn Part One (Live At Wembley Arena, London, United Kingdom / 22nd July 1983)


Stevie Wonder in 100 Sekunden | uDiscover Music

Das Märchen von Rhodos

⁠⁠Did you know the song #OurHouse was more than just a coffee commercial theme song? #madness #80s

Billy Idol is a real one #billyidol #eyeswithoutaface #howithinkilooklike #80smusic

Die Fischer von San Juan

Genesis | uDiscover: Rewind! (mit Fritz Egner) | Episode 8

Stan Schneider Discusses Glen Campbell’s Astonishing Versatility | uDiscover Interview

Yah Mo B There

Shake Your Head (Let's Go To Bed)


Supertramp | uDiscover: Rewind! (mit Fritz Egner) | Episode 5

Real Talk mit Terry Hall | uDiscover Music

World's Famous

S.O.S. Band - Take your time (Do it right) (Extended Version - Tony Mendes Video Remastered Video)
